My 543 of trumps were too powerful partner (West)
by Rueful Rabbit on
September 23rd, 2008
Here is a nice deal from Michael McGloughlin.
I doubt that anyone will believe you that this hand came up last evening. The play was not found by
whoever played 6D and the result was I off losing 2 Spades when the left hand opponent held AJ8xx.
I was looking through my archive of hands that I had experienced when this little gem came up. It arose
in one of the Dublin region teams about 2 years ago where I was playing South and defended 7 Clubs
scoring a just 500 when a Spade lead allowed declarer shed a Heart but the real drama arose at the
other table when after a sequence over which a Veil can be drawn they ceclared just 6 Diamonds Red
with West having bid Clubs to the 5 level.
6 Diamonds is not a happy resting place but unless your methods are sufficiently flexible to permit
South to declare it is the only slam that can be made. Hearts fail on Spade Ace and Spade ruff.
Anyway against the slam your right hand opponent leads his Singleton Heart (rather than the Club
King) surely seeking a Ruff or some such thing and you win draw two trumps somewhat fortunately
dropping the QJ doubleton on your right and ?
Too late you realise that in your haste to extract the Trumps and relieved when they split 3/2 with
QJ coming down you had played the 2 to the Ace and now the contract is no longer makeable
when the Spade Ace beats the Queen (or ducks when you play the King)
Note however the effect of playing the Diamond 9 and 8 to the first two rounds of trumps and now
you can exit with the trump 2 to the player who started with -
Void x 543 KQJ109xxx
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